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“Yoga provides a path to a fulfilling life.”

Welcome! I’m your yoga guide, Teriane. I started my yoga journey in 2014, and I have taught several types and levels of yoga since 2015. I specialize in Bikram, Vinyasa, and Gentle Flow yogas for all ages and abilities.

The origin of Terra Life Yoga

Throughout my practice and teaching, I have come to realize the need for a more flexible yoga option that allows all of us to practice within the comfort of our homes both live with others and on our own schedules via recorded sessions.

Thus, Terra Life Yoga was born. Through Terra Life, I strive to provide the best yoga experience in our live sessions and a growing catalog of recorded yoga sessions that members can access at any time. I also provide wellness content via my blog to supplement your yoga practice for healthier minds and bodies.

What makes us different

People often ask me what makes Terra Life Yoga different. For one, we are a family-run yoga practice that focuses on one simple idea: Improving lives through yoga. We focus on creating the best yoga experience for you. Period.

Our business lives because of you — our community members — actually using and loving our services, not simply clicking on ads. (By the way, please leave us a review on Facebook to let us know what you think.)

And unlike other online yoga options such as YouTube channels, we use Google Meet for live and interactive classes. This way, we can see each other (if you choose) and build a community of practitioners who actually know each other and can connect through yoga.

Please join me on our shared path to fulfilling lives through yoga.

See you on the mat!
