This is my yoga story…what’s yours?

my yoga journey

I would love to tell you that my journey to yoga was easy.  The truth is that it took me a long time to get where I am today.  Not that my life has been difficult. In fact, I’m blessed in so many ways, but there have definitely been struggles.  These are what I’m going to share with you because they are what led me to yoga and healing serve as the foundation for my yoga story. 

It’s not easy to share as I am a private, sensitive person.  I’m not sure that my husband and close family even know much about my internal struggles, but it’s worth sharing.  Because I finally know that with yoga, you never have to be alone.  There’s always a community of yogis with you. So this is my story of finding yoga.

The Path to Yoga

In 2014, my husband and I decided that we were going to start a family.  I couldn’t wait! I was the girl who played with her dolls, babysat, and became a teacher because I loved kids.  I needed to have a baby.  I was meant to be a mother. It was what I thought of as my true identity. I have vivid memories of being a young girl holding a doll, and my uncle said to me, “You’re going to be the best mom when you grow up.”

The problem was it didn’t happen.  Even with invasive treatments, we were unable to conceive.  With each month that passed, I was putting artificial hormones into my body, gaining weight, and becoming more and more depressed. I reached a low one night in the shower when I thought about whether my life was worth living anymore. I just couldn’t imagine what the purpose was if I couldn’t have a baby.

My Yoga Story Begins

Luckily, I didn’t do anything drastic and a few weeks later a friend at work asked me to attend a yoga class she was teaching.  I thought, “Sure, why not? I used to be a dancer so I’m flexible.”  It turns out that this moment was pivotal.  That first class was an epiphany.  I went in with the intention of getting a good stretch and maybe a little bit of a sweat.  By the time I was finished, I felt my chest open and my heart became lighter.  I felt like me again after so many months of privately hiding my despair.  In just 60 minutes, I knew that my life was changing.

In just 60 minutes, I knew that my life was changing.

And as so many say, the rest is history.  I began to attend different yoga classes from Vinyasa to Hot Yoga. My body began changing, and my mind and spirit followed. 

I learned that I am not just a wife, not just a teacher, not just a sister or daughter, not just a woman who couldn’t get pregnant.  I am so much more. Yoga taught me that, and I know if you give it a chance it can teach you about your life as well. And really, that’s the beginning of my yoga story.

Terra Life Yoga Expands the Community

Over time, I’ve come to realize that a yoga community can extend beyond the physical boundaries of a yoga studio. This realization led me to create Terra Life Yoga, an online studio with live classes and on-demand videos for whenever you need a practice. 

I strive to build a community of like-minded practitioners that support each other in this journey.  So what’s your yoga story? What brings you to your mat? Please feel free to share in the comments below.

Then visit our schedule of classes to join me for a live class so we can continue our stories together. Become a member and your first month is 50% off or take advantage of even more savings with the annual membership option.

Of course, don’t forget to subscribe to Terra Life Yoga via the link on the right or at the bottom of the page so that you can receive updates of new blog posts and video classes (for members).

In future posts, I will cover a wide variety of yoga and wellness topics including breakdowns of asanas, breathing techniques, beginner’s tips, meditation help, and much more. So subscribe and stay tuned!

Hope to see you in class,

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